Website Manager

Denbigh Youth Baseball League


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Team Managers Responsibilities

DYBL 2018 Spring Season


As a Team Manager you will:

  • Be responsible for contacting the parents of all players once you receive your roster.
  • Establish a line of communication to be used throughout the season.
  • Ensure that all changes to scheduling and cancellations are provided to the parents in a timely manner.
  • Once the practice schedule is set; you are responsible to establish a practice plan for each practice. Practice plans should be developed to progress the players. This action can be performed with the help of Assistant Coaches.
  • Select and coordinate all volunteers you may need (i. e.  a Team Parent, Field help, or scorekeeper as desired.) It is up to you recruit, inform them of their duties, and communicate with them to keep then in the loop. 
  • Ensure that the daily maintenance of the field is performed after each practice or game.
  • Communicate with your Division Operations Officer. (i.e. If you would like to utilize any training aids that DYBL provides, contact the appropriate Operations Officer and make the request.)
  • Never handle money. If a person needs to hand over money, direct them to the Treasurer or President.


Team Managers are responsible to manage the team. If at any time you have a question or need assistance, please feel free to contact your Operations Officer. They are there to help you whenever possible.